February 15, 2009

Sunday School has Visual Aids!

Hey, there, Class, Thanks for showing up for Sunday School this morning! As promised last week, we're going to walk you through the new-fangled NRCS method for finding out the "percent of average" of any given watershed snowpack. It used to be pretty simple. But you know the gubmint motto--"if it ain't broke, change it!" The new method is pretty good but I miss the old graphs-at-a-glance. This one's OK and I guess I will get used to it. Maybe you will, too. Whatever the case may be we gotta "dance with the one that brung us" and, in this case, that means the good ol' NRCS.
Ok, this Sunday School is gonna be real short and, hopefully, sweet. Why? Well, it's bright and sunny outside and I am itching to git outdoors and "get a life." That's why!

You begin this process by clicking on the NRCS link in the left hand column. By now, you should now that drill. Then you will have to follow some steps that aren't really too complicated. However, there's enough steps that you can get lost and take a wrong turn. That's why I made these graphics below. Just follow the steps and tailor your final approach for whatever state-of-mind suits you and then you're cleared for landing on Runway 0809! Have a great day. Study your Visual Aids, practice a little bit and then GO PLAY!

PS--I forgot to mention that one nice thing about the new format is that you can get the "percent average" for any given day, including today, February 15!!! That's actually pretty cool.

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