November 8, 2008

HSP--Heavy Snow Possible

This is what we really, really like to see on a current weather map: "Heavy Snow Possible." I mean, come on, let's look at the rest of the country. Do you see any "Heavy Snow Possible" thingies anywhere else in America? Nope. But right here in podunk Idaho we got our very own "Heavy Snow Possible" thing. Being as this is merely November the Eighth, I am duly impressed. From the look of the thing, I'd say that means Stanley, Idaho is at ground zero and there's lotsa beetle-killed pine wood gettin' stoked into their woodstoves.

Welcome to Winter0809

Howdy, Friends! Welcome to a blog about the Winter of 2008-2009. There's already a LOT of excitement in the air. Utah's famed Snowbird ski resort is OPEN! it's the second earliest opening day in 38 years of operation. Our SLC Friend, BTB, alerted us to the epic event in a phone call Saturday morning. Last week, there was no snow up there. This week--BAM--it's open. And, get this, they expect at least another foot of snow tonight.

The NWS weather wonks are telling us the storm pattern is going to fork with the southern track depositing more snow. Idaho won't get as much as Utah. Ain't that weird for early November or what? This is rich stuff and we are already thoroughly enjoying it.

Last weekend was the first big dose of water for Eastern Idaho. Sunday's rainfall set a record with .69 inches. That's huge for the second day of November. We're going to ramp up this blog and website and we hope ya'll participate as well. This weekend's the Idaho Falls Ski Swap and we're going just to hear all the chatter from those amped up kids they call shredders.

COME ON, Ol' Man Winter!

Email Winter 08-09