January 8, 2009

Western Washington snowmelt increases

Yesterday things were bad but not so bad. Today things are bad and getting a lot worse. The Seattle NWS has posted a great synopsis of their situation there. It's 8 megs so don't try to download it unless you have a hot rod broadband connection. They have some VERY impressive slides of what is happening there. There are 22 rivers flooding and a few above all time high flows with a few more progged to set new records. The rainfall amounts and rainfall rates are pretty amazing. This is how a Wadzilla behaves when it comes in on a low level bombing run. It just flat carpet bombs a wide swath of landscape--in this case a heavily snow-covered and steep landscape. They are in a world of hurt up there right now and it's rapidly becoming the biggest story so far to come out of The Great Winter of 2008-2009. All we can do from our chair in this theater is sit back and watch in total awe. Good Luck, Western Washington State, our prayers are with you!

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