January 23, 2009

Sneaky Snow Attack

We woke up earlier than normal this morning--4 am. The light seemed to suggest it was after 6 am. HA! It was because of a stealthy snowstorm that arrived after we went to bed last night. Here in Idaho falls, we're looking at about 6 inches of snow--it's the first storm in weeks. (NOTE--Once I got out in it, I'd say it's 8 inches.) It's snowing heavily as I write this so I suspect we will get more of the white stuff. Definitely time to fire up the snowblower.

That high pressure really lulled us into "lah-lah land." It seemed like the sun would shine forever! The KIDA obs say we've rec'd more than a half inch of precip. That would be consistent with the old-fashioned 12:1 snow to water ratio. Interestingly, the boyz and ghurlz working the night shift at Pocatello NWS must be asleep at the switch. The warning map shows nothing to indicate the area just got whacked by snow. Go figure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reminds me of my growing up days around Buffalo, NY. Wake up mornings to a foot or more of new snow - with more coming down. Coats, hats, boots, mittens, scarves and out the door to school. Or, if weekend, grab snow shovels - before days of snow blowers. You probably remember days like that, also, John!
That's why I'm now in coastal California.Are you really happy in Idaho?