January 15, 2009

Wazilla vs. Super High

Ladies & Gentlemen, in this corner we have Wazilla, Conqueror of The West, and in this corner we have Super High--the most powerful January phenomena we've seen along the Coast in many a year. As Wadzilla and Super High come into the Pacific Ring of Fire--watch them collide with the massive force of the juggernauts they are. WOW--what a show they are putting on for you, Ladies & Gentlemen!

Seriously, this is one of the best displays of the "blocking" affect of a strong high pressure system. The water laden low pressure troughs are literally "hitting the wall" on the west edge of this high pressure system. It's really impressive and due to hang around possibly to the middle of next week. Eventually, it will break down and move downstream, dissipating into the data dust bin of climatological history. WHile it's here and strutting its stuff, it sure is an awesome sight to behold. Enjoy!

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