Mrs. Lancaster: I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen.
Above is one of my favorite quotes from the movie Ground Hog Day. Bill Murray is in the dining room of his B&B. Well, in this case our weather deja vu is all coming from the same kitchen right now--Siberia. Big Wadzillas there are ganging up and rolling offshore to bluster across the Pacific and splatter the Northwest with fat gobs of rain, ice and snow. The pattern looks to continued abated for awhile. Today's QPF graphic looks almost exactly like one from a few days ago. Deja Vu? You betcha!
Meanwhile, one of the Jackson ski resort restaurants sustained avalanche damage yesterday. It was a front page story in the Idaho Falls paper. They claim to have rec'd 5 feet of snow in 7 days. Avalanche deaths are soaring, 9 since 14DEC, plus another 8 in Canada over the weekend.
The jetstream has gone zonal--basically that means Old Man Winter is blowing full force in a straight line right smack across the Pacific. No dipsy-doodle whippy kinks and bends for the jetstream right now. Don't worry, though, they will be back!

People really begin to pay attention to the gubmint's snow data as of 01JAN each year. That's the first report that really matters. The US NRCS will publish monthly Snow Reports for each state January through May. Click here for a tremendous narrative summary of the NRCS Snow Measurement & Reporting program.