WOW--Look at this clip from the global water vapor view! Totally awesome, is all we can say! Susun and I are heading out tomorrow for Jackson and Moose, Wyoming (AKA--The Grand Teton National Park). We've booked a room in Jackson and we're planning on a righteous two days of bicycle riding on...where else?...the Grand Teton Road!
One of the great perks of living in Idaho Falls is this: In April, the National Park Service opens the Grand Teton Road to ALL non-motorized traffic. This includes not only bicycles but also people pushing baby strollers, roller bladers, walkers, hikers, kids on their BMX bikes, you name it, it's there. Last year when we did this road on April 28 is was like a religious experience. EVERYBODY was there! Young, old and in between. The hip and fit, the old and slow, nobody cared about how they looked or how cool they were. They were just THERE and that was all that mattered. I will never forget the two Mom's who had skated their twin strollers all the way to the Jenny Lake parking lot and then plopped themselves down right in the middle of the asphalt for a picnic. NO WORRY--NO CARS! They were so happy and their babies were frolicking with no fear. It was awesome and truly unforgettable.
Well, check out the water vapor snippet--we've caught a seam in the weather. WHAA--WHOOO! This is rich stuff and it's real stuff. The temps are expected to rise almost to 60 degrees up there on the east front of the Teton Range. And, get this--NO WIND!
Yeah, we're jazzed and pumped and all those iconic words. We even bought a motel room in Jackson so we can go both days this weekend. And we even spent all day Friday "rigging" for the trip. This is really cool stuff. I hope to come back to the blog and place in a link of last year's photos. Yippie, skippie, we're stoked!