Well, Blog Fans, we've been getting a lot of water falling down out of the sky. The rain just keeps on coming. Here are the Idaho Falls precipitation statistics as of June 12:
YESTERDAY 0.21 0.04 0.17 0.01
MONTH TO DATE 2.62 0.52 2.10 0.12
SINCE OCT 1 9.04 8.31 0.73 7.15
SINCE JAN 1 6.41 5.64 0.77 3.83
Looks like the formatting got lost on the above numbers. The first number is self-explanatory. The second number is "normal" for that time period. The 3rd number in each line is "departure from normal" and the 4th number is the total last year for each time period.
Since January 1st, you will note that we are over 50% higher than last year's precip rec'd to date. Pretty amazing to have over 2.5 inches in a mere 13 days. WOW!
Meanwhile, the Snake River reservoirs are basically plumped up. Rumor has it there's more water in them than there has been in the last 20 years. I have no way of confirming that rumor. The best way to watch the reservoir levels is with what's called a "teacup" diagram. Click here to see it.