Ain't that a purty Pacific picture? The curly-cues that have been forming out in the Deep Pacific this winter have been downright artistic! The little wad of water vapor you see in the Pac NW is due to arrive in SE Idaho on Christmas, virtually guaranteeing a White Christmas. It won't produce much accumulation--just a lot of big, fat flakes in the cold, crisp air.
However, Loyal Readers, we wish to call your attention to that huge chuck of water vapor visible on the far left of the above picture. (roughly 190W 45N) Now THAT is something! If that blob can retain its integrity by the time it washes ashore over here, may have to call Houston and report that we have a problem.
Well, I promise to tidy up this blog on Christmas Eve--I've let it slide for awhile. We've had some decent snow in Idaho Falls (KIDA). I've been walking to work each day because it's too messy to drive. As Tim McGraw would say, "I like it, I love it, and I want some more of it!"
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