Okie, dokie, Weather Fans,let's take a look at the Northern Hemisphere water vapor patterns, courtesy of the US Navy. Gee, something tells me there's a heap o' water heading our way! All of the water taps appear to be working together right now. In football, I think they call this "piling on!" Right now, I have no clue how and where all this stuff is going to smack our continent. But its a pretty safe bet that somebody, someplace is going to get smacked real hard by this stuff. Definitely keep an eye on the jetstream, run those model simulations at least twice a day and rivet your attention to the march of the water vapor across the Pacific.
Some years it seems like Winter just has to end with a GIANT crescendo--kind of like one of those awesome epic symphonies that bring you right up out of your seat as every instrument builds to a nerve-pulsing finale. I am beginning to wonder if this winter is going to be what I like to call a Crescendo Winter. If so, batten your barn, buckle up your babies and hunker down, Nellie!
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