Those lucky (but frozen) puppies up in the Arctic Circle latitudes have all the fun! Being as it's a Saturday morning, I decided to roam over to Spaceweather.Com and see whazzup. They have some nice aurora photos there such as the one above. The guy who took the one above is Aleksander Chernucho,Mt. Khibiny, Kolyskia peninsula, Russia. The photo was taken yesterday when it was 27FEB here and 28 FEB there. Aleksander has a really cool photo album on a Russian website. It's all in Russian language but the photos speak a universal language and you don't need to know Russian to enjoy them. Note the little slider bar at the top of his album. Play with it and you automatically resize the pictures. COOL!
Well, the Aurora doesn't really have anything whatsoever to do with our North American weather. However, I thought it would be nice to have a "change of pace," so to speak, and put something purely fun and entertaining up on El Blog today.
As winter is fast nearing an end, I think tomorrow's Sunday School will be a most excellent time to begin a review in preparation for your semester final exam. So come prepared to think and learn. Okie, dokie? Have a fun day. You may go play now.
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