First, let's dispel some media myths that are running rampant tonight. New England is NOT going to get buried in snow! No, it's really not. Yes, it's going to have a nice storm. As you can see from the above graphic, some people in some places are going to get really stuccoed with more than a foot. But that's NOT all of New England. I've beenreading some pretty hysterical media reports tonight. You'd think the Statue of Liberty was going to get covered to her eyeballs! As usual, it's typical media hype going on here. Tomorrow, I am sure CNN will be filled with the obligatory blizzard scenes, people stuck in drifts higher than their house, all the usual suspects. But, honest, it's NOT all of New England, just a lucky few!

OK, meanwhile, let's take a look at Polly Pacific. I drew a nice happy face on her earlier today. As you can see, there is an epic fetch and reach to the water vapor tracks right now. It almost looks as if a giant hand is dipping water from the Subtropical region and flinging it at North America. Couple this Subtropical tap with the typical Siberian water tap and you've really got a recipe for some storm action!
I went back and leafed through all of the archived Navy water vapor maps and it sure does look to me like what's hitting New England tonight had its pedigree in the deep tropics. I think it came up on what I've been calling "The Southern Track." If so, this particular storm promises to raise some eyebrows for its timing and intensity. This is March 1st, afterall!
If you spend some time comparing the Indian Ocean, West Pacific, East Pacific and Atlantic water vapor shots on the Navy website, I think that you will become at least as curious as I am about whazzup out there. Idaho seems to be perpetually on the outside looking in lately but some other parts of our landscape are getting stuccoed pretty good!
Once again, I hark back to that "crescendo theory." I keep getting the distinct feelings that this winter really, really wants to go out with guns firing full force in one giant blaze of epic glory! If this current storm is a precursor to that scenario, we could be in for some real memorable Legacy Storms!
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